The Muscle Test Handbook

Functional Assessment, Myofascial Trigger Points and Meridian Relationships

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  • The Muscle Test Handbook voorkant
  • The Muscle Test Handbook achterkant

Explains testing procedures for almost 100 individual muscles; many are found in other texts on the subject. This book reviews muscle anatomy and physiology, and offers many clinical pearls with regard to possible causes of muscle dysfunction. It is written in a 'double page' design that maximizes understanding.

ISBN/EAN 9780702037399
Auteur Shafer, Joseph (Professor of Post-Graduate Medicine, at the School of Social Rehabilitation, Moscow Professor (Honorary) at the Novokusnetsks School of Post-Graduate Medicine, Moscow)
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Spriraalband
Pagina's 304

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